People may wonder why I chose to bottle-feed breastmilk to Baby. I'm lucky enough to have a lot of milk supply. Thanks to the ever-reliable mamary glands, I haven't given Baby a single drop of formula milk. (She's 10 months old now and my 5cu ft chest freezer is full, and I haven't stopped pumping. I think I can feed her pure breastmilk for a few more months and afford to donate some because of frozen milk's limited shelf life...) So why not directly breastfeed when the benefit is obvious (e.g. great bonding between mother and child)? Well, I have 3 practical reasons:
(1) I wanted to measure Baby's intake. I have a notebook that chronicles the date and time of each feeding, burping, diaper change, and other what-nots like rashes etc. since the day she was born up until the present. This is not an exaggeration.
(2) I wanted to give chance to others in helping out with Baby. I did not hire a yaya or marry a husband for nothing. I have a life, too.
(3) I wanted to save the frustration Baby and I would have gone through when (a) she doesn't latch-on properly and (b) she needs to switch to bottle when her teeth start to grow because it would already be too painful for my poor nipples.
So far, I have tried several bottles. Each kind has its own pros and cons. Read on to know more:
Born Free
- I like that its neck is wide; it makes it easier for me to transfer frozen milk from bag to bottle. The regular-neck bottles are a little too messy for milk that hasn't completely been thawed. It also has a valve that prevents colic and gas - very reliable. It's not available here in Manila, though. There's this brand, B Free, that I see at Rustans and Baby & Co, but I believe it's the fake version.

Green to Grow - T
he best thing about these bottles is that they're eco-friendly! It looks best too, with its cute design. The only thing I hate about Green to Grow is their nipples. They tear easily. And of course it poses a danger to babies. Who cares if the material is guaranteed silicone, we still don't want tiny pieces to be processed by baby's fragile digestive system. The good news is, Medela and Pigeon nipples work compatibly with Green to Grow bottles! I got my Green to Grow bottles in the US, but now I see these bottles to be widely available at Rustans, so that's another good news.

- It leaks. But it's glass. I use this to feed water and vitamins to Baby. (The doctor recommends to drop the baby's iron vitamins to her water, so it wouldn't stain her teeth.) I really don't mind if ever the bottle gets stained, I think Evenflo is the cheapest BPA-free bottle available in the market!

- The thing I like about Medela is its compatibility with Medela pumps. It's very convenient for Medela users like me; just pump and feed, or pump and store, no hassle. The nipples can be very hard to find (sometimes available at Rustans) but I use Pigeon nipples when I'm out of choice and it works perfectly well. BTW, there are 2 kinds of Pigeon nipples. The cheaper ones (at P39.75 a piece) work fine, but the more expensive ones called Peristaltic Nipples (P239 each) are softer and more durable. It's perfect!!

I'm loving the Pigeon brand. But I don't have the chance to use any Pigeon bottles because I already have plenty. (I actually have other brands like Adiri, Gerber, and Sassy, sealed and brand new. Any takers?)
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