Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers' Day

It was extra-crowded at the malls yesterday (Sunday). But our Mothers' Day celebration started on Saturday - we checked out the newly-opened 85-peso japanese store Saizen at the Robinsons Galleria; took home some TGIFriday food for lunch; visited Husband's grandma at her residence in Greenhills; had dinner with my whole family at Burgoo - and continued going out on Sunday - lunch at Crustasia; snacks at Seattle's Best; shopping at Expo Mom (Rockwell Tent); movie at Eastwood Ultra7; and finally dinner at Mr. Kurosawa. It was very tiring. And definitely a good day for the restaurants, because even the not-so-good ones are fully booked.

Happy Mothers' Day to both of our moms (Husband's and mine). Couldn't even begin to imagine whether I deserve to be greeted like so. Whatever I think I've sacrificed for Baby through these months is n.o.t.h.i.n.g. compared to what they've gone through for us through the years. I feel I can only deserve such honor when Baby herself expresses it with utmost sincerity. I guess that would still be several years into the future. So for now, I'd be the good daughter greeting every mom out there, Happy Mothers' Day!